Book Recommendations Indoka Creative Book Recommendations Indoka Creative

The Brand Book you must read, really!

Through my experience, I've read a lot of marketing and branding books and one of the books that I find really interesting and I think will help you in developing your own brand the right way is

Hello there,

Through my experience, I've read a lot of marketing and branding books and one of the books that I find really interesting and I think will help you in developing your own brand the right way is: Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller.

Most of the time business owners don’t understand how customers consume information. In Building a StoryBrand, Donald Miller tells you how to turn your brand messaging into a story. His framework is so interesting. If you're into reading to get your business information and uplevel your business I will definitely recommend the book. If not, my friend, there is always the audio book version :)

In Building a Storybrand, you’ll learn how to attract customers with your unique story : casting them as the protagonist, presenting them with a problem, and showing how your brand can help them overcome their problems which I believe is the most important part about an excellent brand strategy.

Accomplishing this will lead your customers to their own success story which will ultimately help your brand along the way. I hope you'll like it as much as I did and let me know what you think of the book if you already read or listened to it by replying to this email.

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